Todo List
PHPExcel __construct( )
void addCellStyleXf( $pStyle)
void addCellXf( $style)
PHPExcel_Worksheet addExternalSheet( $pSheet, [int|null $iSheetIndex = null])
PHPExcel addNamedRange( PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange)
PHPExcel_Worksheet addSheet( [ $pSheet = null], [int|null $iSheetIndex = null])
PHPExcel copy( )
PHPExcel_Worksheet createSheet( [ $iSheetIndex = null])
void disconnectWorksheets( )
void garbageCollect( )
and columns in the workbook
PHPExcel_Worksheet getActiveSheet( )
int getActiveSheetIndex( )
PHPExcel_Worksheet[] getAllSheets( )
PHPExcel_Style|false getCellStyleXfByHashCode( [string $pValue = ''])
PHPExcel_Style getCellStyleXfByIndex( [int $pIndex = 0])
PHPExcel_Style[] getCellStyleXfCollection( )
PHPExcel_Style|false getCellXfByHashCode( [string $pValue = ''])
PHPExcel_Style getCellXfByIndex( [ $pIndex = 0], int $index)
PHPExcel_Style[] getCellXfCollection( )
PHPExcel_Style getCellXfSupervisor( )
PHPExcel_Style getDefaultStyle( )
Sheet getIndex( $pSheet)
PHPExcel_NamedRange|null getNamedRange( string $namedRange, [ $pSheet = null])
PHPExcel_NamedRange[] getNamedRanges( )
PHPExcel_DocumentProperties getProperties( )
PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity getSecurity( )
PHPExcel_Worksheet getSheet( [int $pIndex = 0])
PHPExcel_Worksheet getSheetByName( [string $pName = ''])
int getSheetCount( )
string[] getSheetNames( )
PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator getWorksheetIterator( )
void removeCellStyleXfByIndex( [int $pIndex = 0])
void removeCellXfByIndex( [int $pIndex = 0])
PHPExcel removeNamedRange( string $namedRange, [ $pSheet = null], PHPExcel_Worksheet|null $pSheet.)
void removeSheetByIndex( [int $pIndex = 0])
PHPExcel_Worksheet setActiveSheetIndex( [int $pIndex = 0])
PHPExcel_Worksheet setActiveSheetIndexByName( [string $pValue = ''])
New setIndexByName( string $sheetName, int $newIndex)
void setProperties( PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue)
void setSecurity( PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue)
void __clone( )